Sunday, June 21, 2020

Kiwi Can

Students enjoy playing games at Kiwi Can. 


  1. Kia Ora Room 4 It' me Malama from Hornby Primary School. I wonder what kind of games you guys are playing at kiwi can. Maybe you could add more writing into this blog post like. What kind of games you were playing in kiwi can. Anyways I would love to hear more about what you guys will be doing soon bye :).

  2. Kia ora ko alexis taku ingoa no te kura o awapuni school ahau. i have never played kiwi can before and it looks fun. Maybe you could add more photos of them playing kiwi can.

  3. Kia Ora Room 4
    I like the way you have photos of what are doing.
    Did you know I did not know that kiwi can was a thing!
    but the only that concerns me is that I don't know what you are doing, so next time you could put some more information in to you post.
    from Archie
