Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Happy Earth Day 2020 on April 22nd

Earth Day is celebrating its 50th birthday today!!!

50 years ago, people around the world celebrated the first Earth Day (April 22, 1970).
Most of us won't be venturing into the great outdoors on Wednesday (April 22), but you can still celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in style at home during covid-19 lockdown.

Earth Day is celebrated every year on the 22 of April for the last 47 years. In 1970, a US Senator from Wisconsin, created this national day to create awareness of the environment and how we treat nature. Today this day is celebrated as an international event in 193 countries.

All over the world, we have an affect on the environment through all our actions or even by simply living as we do. We use electricity and water, use of transport such as cars, buses and airplanes to go to school or work. Remember that also by eating the food we need for surviving we all affect our environment, as that food is planted and harvested, transported to a store near you by big trucks who also pollute the environment. The waste we produce and the way we dispose of our waste is creating many problems.

On behalf of Room 4 students for Earth Day 2020 Mrs Devi Planted  some plants to celebrate Earth Day at home.


  1. What a great idea Mrs Devi to plant something for Earth Day. I will look forward to see how it grows.

  2. Thank you Mrs Pederson. I showed Room 4 students my plant when we were having our Google Hangout meeting this morning just to give them an idea of the activities they can do at home to celebrate Earth Day during covid-19 lockdown.

  3. I mowed my lawns on Earth day, a haircut for my grass!
